Decent People Against Trump

All decent people know in their hearts that Donald Trump is an indecent man. The United States of America is a strong country, with strong values and good people. No politician is worth sacrificing our national principles and values. Politicians come and go. Elections are won and lost. We may prefer certain policies to others. But what this country cannot afford is to lose its standing as a country with decent, compassionate people. When people say they don't like Trump the person, but they like his policies, we know in our hearts this is a betrayal of our personal values, whether set by our religions, our families, or by our society as a whole. The Republican party has had multiple chances to replace Donald Trump with candidates who could help bring some traditional American values back to politics. Right now, all decent people have a chance to do what the Republican party has been unwilling to do--make certain Donald Trump never gets near the White House again.

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